Worksheets for Science


Topic - The Leaf

In these Worksheets for Science you will find questions related to the topic The Leaf. 

Worksheets for Science
Worksheets for Science - The Cell

Multiple Choice Questions

1.There are ____________ main systems in flowering plants. 

(a) one (b) two (c) three

2._____________ absorbs water and minerals from the soil. 

(a) root (b) shoot (c) stem

3.Leaves that have petioles are called _____________ leaves. 

(a) sessile (b) stalked (c) none

4._____________attaches the lamina with the stem. 

(a) buds (b) spines (c) petiole

5.The pointed end of lamina is known as the ____________.

(a) leaf apex (b) leaf base (c) leaf blade

6.These leaves of these plants show parallel venation. 

(a) grass (b) wheat (c) both a and b

7.Many leaves arise from a single node in ______________ leaf arrangement. 

(a) opposite (b) whorled (c) alternate

8._______________ imparts green colour to the leaves. 

(a) chlorophyll (b) stomata (c) veinlets

9.Plants use water, _______________ , sunlight and chlorophyll to prepare food. 

(a) oxygen (b) nitrogen (c) carbon dioxide

10.The tiny holes present on the surface of the leaf are called ____________.

(a) spines (b) scales (c) stomata

Answers - 1.two 2.Root 3.stalked 4.petiole 5.leaf apex 6.both a and b 7.whorled 8.chlorophyll 9.carbon dioxide

Fill ups

1.The part of the plant above the ground is known as ____________.

2.The part of the plant below the ground is known as ____________.

3._____________ holds the plant in the soil. 

4.Roots help in preventing ____________.

5.The axillary bud is present in the _____________ of the leaf. 

6.Leaves that don't have petioles are called _____________ leaves. 

7.The swollen end of the petiole is known as the ______________.

8.Lateral branches arising from the midrib are known as ______________.

9.The arrangement of veins and veinlets in the leaves is known as ______________.

10.The arrangement of leaves on the stem is known as _______________.

Answers - 1.shoot 2.root 3.Root 4.soil erosion  5.axil 6.sessile 7.leaf base 8.veins 9.venation 10.phyllolaxy

Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is incorrect. 

1.The shoot consists of stem, flowers, fruits, leaves and buds. 

2.The stem supports the plant. 

3.Stalked leaves are found in monocot leaves. 

4.Petiole is also known as the leaf blade.

5.The leaf blade is not divided in single leaves. 

6.Gulmohar plant consists of compound leaves. 

7.The leaves are arranged in the form of a network in reticulate venation. 

8.Only one leaf arises from the node of the stem in opposite leaf arrangement. 

9.Cactus consists of tendrils. 

10.Pitcher plant is an insectivorous plant. 

Answers - 1.True 2.True 3.False 4.False 5.True 6.True 7.True 8.False 9.False 10.True

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